Thursday, October 16, 2008


So I'm learning Polish....and I LOVE it. I took a little Spanish and junior high, and had fun, but I never really got into it and had a passion for it. Maybe I'm loving polish so much because I know I'm going to use it, and I have a goal of being able to carry on at least some amont of conversation in polish when I get there next summer. I also love the girl who is teaching me, Kate. She's doing it for free, and even though she's a phD student with a very busy schedule, she puts a lot of though and work into our lessons. She's SO much fun too and we plan on being on Poland at the same time next summer, so then she can come visit me in Krakow (she lives a few hours north in Lublin).

It's a hard language though, and my mouth has difficulty wrapping itself around 3-4 consonants as a time. One phrase I love: Mam kota. It means one of two things: I have a cat, OR I am a shrink/psychologist. I find that hilarious. Another is Pa pa, or bye bye! One of the hardest that I am still trying to learn how to pronouce: Wszystko w porzadku, or Everything's fine.

Anyways, that's all for now. Na razie! Buziaki!(Bye! Kisses!)