Friday, September 21, 2007

I <3 Kids

So last week at work I asked to go home early, because I had a fever and felt like I was going to pass out. I have not missed a day of work since April. I have called in sick a couple times, but when they said I needed to be there, I showed up. But I could not stay this last Sunday. So finally my boss said I could go home, but he called me up into his office and told me if I ever called in sick again, he would not schedule me anymore. AKA I would not have a job. Because he felt, even though I was a great worker, and he liked me, he could not rely on me. I was unreliable. Because I'd been sick 2 out of the last 4 weeks. EVEN though I'd been showing up to work while I was sick. I am unreliable.

BULLSHIT. I actually started leaking some tears, which DID cause him to feel a little bad and he apoligized for "hurting my feelings" the next day.

This is the same guy who has been sheduling people who are going to school full time 25-35 hours a week when they don't want to work that much. Because he doesn't want to hire more people. And he now has a "no one can ever call in sick again ever" policy. Which is ridiculous.

So I asked my friend Rachel if she knew of any other places that were hiring, because even though I like my job at Safeway, I don't like it THAT much. And today I was hired at a daycare to work no more than 16 hours a week, granted for less money than I earned at Safeway, but I don't ever have to work weekends, or nights. (Nights are pretty much the only shifts avilable at Safeway, that and Sundays) And it's fun. I get to hang out with mostly 3-4 year olds, and few babies, help out with lunch, naptime, activities. And the woman who runs it is great.

Pretty much made my day. :) So I just wanted to share.

What's weird is Sam told me, when I first told him I was thinking about taking this job last week, he said, flat out "I think you'd hate that job, I don't think you should do it." When asked why I would hate it, because I think I'll love it, he just said "I just think you'll get tired of it really fast and it's not the kind of thing you like." Weird huh? I love kids. And today when we hung out (which was good, no drama, we had a lot of fun, unlike last Friday we hung out....he cried on my couch for an hour, which of course made me start crying...blah) he said "I was surprised you stuck it out at Safeway as long as you did. I didn't think you'd make it." Which is also a weird statement, because I never hated my job there, for the most part I liked/like working there. Part of quitting now is just that I have a better option, that I never had before. And I think it's time for a change. Change can be good.

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