Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm up to my ankles and drowning anyways.

Last night was just a little too much to handle. Starts off at Katy and Rachel and Patti and Sami's house, and Sam shows up and we start drinking a little. And it's just weird bewteen him and I. Usually we do pretty good, but there were some awkward moments and I just didn't want to deal with it. Then we head over to our friend's house on King st to party it up and Kelby shows up. mmm yay, both Sam and Kelby in one place. but Kelby doesn't show any interest all night, VERY platonic, didn't say goodbye, no hug. So I'm feeling pretty down and pissy and I'm PMSing and I have to work in the morning, so I can't get really drunk, even though I want to. Then my friend Cody, who I LOVE, and had thought maybe he liked me, but I have no feelings whatsoever for him, led me into his room, and said "I like you." I was speechless. I'm not really sure exactly what I stammered out, something along the lines of I don't know you extremely well, I LOVE hanging out with you, but I don't like you. Gave him a hug, and tried to pretend it didn't happen the rest of the night, so he didn't feel weird. Then we head back to Patti's house to sleep, and Kelby shows up and stays the night there too. Again, doesn't talk to me much, sleeps on the other couch, and I remember him getting up and going home about 4 am, and he said goodnight to me.

Half of me wants to call him and tell him I need to talk to him and just ASK what happened and why he lost interest, just so I know and don't feel so lost, so used and I can move on. Half of me is terrified of being vulnerable like that in front of him and I want him to think I'm just fine and don't care at all he just forgot about me.

I'm not cut out for this.

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