Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Why? Why, why, why?

I was okay that Kelby hadn't called. I had accepted it. In fact, I didn't even want to call him, for it would just drag it on even longer, and I was okay with it being done.

Then on Friday I get a message on Facebook, not only apologizing for New Year's (not sure why) but also asking me when I could meet him next (this) week, because he was gone this weekend, and would be every other weekend for the rest of the semester (again, why do I need to know this, unless for some reason him being gone every other weekend would affect me, but for it to affect me, we'd have to be dating....ugh WHY?).

So I write him, letting him know when I was free Monday and Tuesday of this week, and told him to let me know what worked for him.

Nothing. No message back (but he's been on Facebook). No phone call. No email.

Damnit why? I was done. I was okay. Now it's not done and I am NOT okay with being ignored, especially when he was the one to ASK to see me.

I just want to get it over with, so I can move on. I doubt he wants to date. and when I first got the message, I thought, well at least he learned something from last time and is trying to make things right with us. But now he's just making things worse.

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